UK Chart Entries 1995
Points Systems

New Entries and Sales 1995, by week

wk - week number
date - chart date, i.e. the Saturday after the day of publication
NE - Top 75 New Entries (Music Week)
sales - approx. retail sales
qu. - the week's quota relative to the annual average (multiplicator for my revision of the CWSRPS)
                         singles             albums
  wk     date       NE    sales   qu.    NE    sales  qu.

   1  14.01.1995    17   821300  0.57     0  1769400  0.66
   2  21.01.1995    18  1034900  0.72     0  1557100  0.58
   3  28.01.1995    20  1096900  0.76     1  1354700  0.50
   4   4.02.1995    23  1107900  0.77     4  1449500  0.54
   5  11.02.1995    20  1119000  0.78     7  1594400  0.59
   6  18.02.1995    27  1186100  0.83     5  1690100  0.63
   7  25.02.1995    24  1245400  0.87     6  1876000  0.70
   8   4.03.1995    19  1282800  0.89     9  2063600  0.77
   9  11.03.1995    21  1205800  0.84    12  2022300  0.75
  10  18.03.1995    22  1254100  0.87     8  1961700  0.73
  11  25.03.1995    21  1241500  0.86    10  1804700  0.67
  12   1.04.1995    23  1365700  0.95     9  2039400  0.76
  13   8.04.1995    21  1597800  1.11     9  1815000  0.68
  14  15.04.1995    18  1390100  0.97     9  1942100  0.72
  15  22.04.1995    16  1417900  0.99     7  2427600  0.90
  16  29.04.1995    18  1247800  0.87     2  2087700  0.78
  17   6.05.1995    17  1434900  1.00     7  2004200  0.75
  18  13.05.1995    25  1262800  0.88     2  1924100  0.72
  19  20.05.1995    23  1578400  1.10     4  1847100  0.69
  20  27.05.1995    24  1736300  1.21     8  1957900  0.73
  21   3.06.1995    23  1614700  1.12    11  2075400  0.77
  22  10.06.1995    22  1566300  1.09     7  2241400  0.83
  23  17.06.1995    23  1519300  1.06     9  2106900  0.78
  24  24.06.1995    17  1397800  0.97     7  2570500  0.96
  25   1.07.1995    17  1174100  0.82    10  2030700  0.76
  26   8.07.1995    22  1244600  0.87    15  1929100  0.72
  27  15.07.1995    25  1356600  0.95     8  2044900  0.76
  28  22.07.1995    21  1234500  0.86     5  2167600  0.81
  29  29.07.1995    22  1148100  0.80     4  2167600  0.81
  30   5.08.1995    23  1308800  0.91     3  2210900  0.82
  31  12.08.1995    19  1230300  0.86     2  2210900  0.82
  32  19.08.1995    20  1205700  0.84     6  2188800  0.81
  33  26.08.1995    19  1700000  1.18     5  2057500  0.77
  34   2.09.1995    26  1632000  1.14     3  2304400  0.86
  35   9.09.1995    22  1534100  1.07     4  2350500  0.87
  36  16.09.1995    21  1503400  1.05     7  2233000  0.83
  37  23.09.1995    24  1518400  1.06     9  2478600  0.92
  38  30.09.1995    29  1806900  1.26    10  2528100  0.94
  39   7.10.1995    21  1644300  1.15     8  2705100  1.01
  40  14.10.1995    23  1364800  0.95    13  3137900  1.17
  41  21.10.1995    25  1310200  0.91    11  2981000  1.11
  42  28.10.1995    24  1428100  0.99     7  2623300  0.98
  43   4.11.1995    24  1699400  1.18    13  3016800  1.12
  44  11.11.1995    26  1988300  1.39    13  3167700  1.18
  45  18.11.1995    26  1690100  1.18    17  3516100  1.31
  46  25.11.1995    19  1538000  1.07    16  4254500  1.58
  47   2.12.1995    23  1538000  1.07    12  4637400  1.72
  48   9.12.1995    20  1691800  1.18     6  5982200  2.22
  49  16.12.1995    25  1776400  1.24     3  5300000  1.97
  50  23.12.1995    16  1794100  1.25     0  6550000  2.44
  51  30.12.1995     3  2538000  1.77     0 10607000  3.95
  52   6.01.1996    12  1319000  0.92     1  4248000  1.58
Based on various data announced throughout 1995, that were then used (together with the weekly %-changes) to compute weekly approximations.
Please note that only the figures for singles can be seen as a very close approximation to the actual weekly sales as recorded by Millward Brown. I record a 1995 total of 74.6M, wheras the provisional CIN estimates say 77M. This 3% gap may be explained by the usual difference between sales & trade deliveries as well as minor faults in my methodology.
For albums however, my approximation records 140M, wheras CIN estimates 210M (1994: 120M and 177M). I underestimate by 33% (1994:32%); a gap only explainable by faults in my methodology. Except for weeks 49-52 (these are real figures), you have to add 60% (theoretically).
Nevertheless the quotas calculated give a reasonable picture of the week by week fluctuation in sales and the subsequent weighting of the CWSRP(rev) points-sores.

Record Releases 1995, by week

wk - week number
date - date (Sat.) of week of release (not the chart date!)
S - Singles releases
S_cum - Singles releases (cumulative)
A - Album releases
A_cum - Album releases (cumulative)
  wk     date         S    S_cum    A     A_cum 
   1   7.01.1995      42     42     214    214
   2  14.01.1995      74    116     203    417
   3  21.01.1995      73    189     204    621
   4  28.01.1995      80    269     201    822
   5   4.02.1995     112    381     209   1031
   6  11.02.1995      96    477     236   1267
   7  18.02.1995     122    599     236   1503
   8  25.02.1995      94    693     259   1762
   9   4.03.1995     106    799     256   2018
  10  11.03.1995     133    932     253   2271
  11  18.03.1995     105   1037     208   2479
  12  25.03.1995     103   1140     269   2748
  13   1.04.1995     116   1256     252   3000
  14   8.04.1995     112   1368     243   3243
  15  15.04.1995      92   1460     263   3506
  16  22.04.1995     106   1566     241   3747
  17  29.04.1995     117   1683     257   4004
  18   6.05.1995     120   1803     272   4276
  19  13.05.1995     120   1923     252   4528
  20  20.05.1995     123   2046     257   4785
  21  27.05.1995      90   2136     271   5056
  22   3.06.1995     105   2241     250   5306
  23  10.06.1995     120   2361     275   5581
  24  17.06.1995     129   2490     263   5844
  25  24.06.1995     126   2616     257   6101
  26   1.07.1995     142   2758     268   6369
  27   8.07.1995     119   2877     255   6624
  28  15.07.1995     130   3007     255   6879
  29  22.07.1995     124   3131     262   7141
  30  29.07.1995     133   3264     253   7394
  31   5.08.1995     127   3391     214   7608
  32  12.08.1995     126   3517     224   7832
  33  19.08.1995     130   3647     195   8027
  34  26.08.1995     127   3774     213   8240
  35   2.09.1995     129   3903     266   8506
  36   9.09.1995     122   4025     258   8764
  37  16.09.1995     130   4155     267   9031
  38  23.09.1995     135   4290     275   9306
  39  30.09.1995     142   4432     250   9556
  40   7.10.1995     113   4545     251   9807
  41  14.10.1995     154   4699     257  10064
  42  21.10.1995     128   4827     273  10337
  43  28.10.1995     125   4952     287  10624
  44   4.11.1995     127   5079     264  10888
  45  11.11.1995     149   5228     250  11138
  46  18.11.1995     150   5378     280  11418
  47  25.11.1995     117   5495     302  11720
  48   2.12.1995     159   5654     279  11999
  49   9.12.1995     259   5913     138  12137
  50  16.12.1995     147   6060     253  12390
  51  23.12.1995      64   6124     275  12665
  52  30.12.1995      69   6193     274  12939
Source: the weekly new releases listings in Music Week
Please note that the singles figures include re-releases and late release of additional formats. Album figures include Class-X and Spoken Word but exclude Classical releases. Increasingly record companies announce releases for a week only to then cancel or postpone them (often depending on the lack of airplay & club feedback). The actual number of releases is therefore lower than these figures suggest.


My revision of the Chartwatch Sales Related Points System is taking each individual week's total sales into account, a #1 in a week in which only 821,300 singles were sold (14.01.1995) will get 0.57*50= 28.5 points, whereas the #1 for 30.12.1995 (2,511,800) gets 1.75*50= 87.5 points.
This is as close as one can get to actual sales figures, even though records that sell enourmous amounts in a single week remain underrepresented.

The table below shows the figures for the CWSRPS. A chart position's score is calculated by multiplying these points with the quota for each individual week.

  Pos.   S     S       A     A     A     A
       52-90  91-    58-66 66-67 67-90  91-

    1    75    50      12    16    23    50
    2    59    39       9    12    18    46
    3    44    29       8    11    15    38
    4    38    25       7     9    13    34
    5    34    23       6     8    11    31
    6    31    21       5     7    10    28
    7    28    19       5     7     9    26
    8    26    17       4     6     8    24
    9    24    16       4     6     7    22
   10    23    15       3     5     6    21
   11    22    14       3     5     6    20
   12    21    13       3     5     6    19
   13    20    12       3     5     6    18
   14    19    12       3     4     5    17
   15    18    11       3     4     5    16
   16    17    11       3     4     5    15
   17    16    10       3     4     5    14
   18    15    10       3     4     5    13
   19    14     9       3     4     5    11
   20    14     9       2     3     4    11
   21    13     9       0     3     4    10
   22    13     8       0     3     4    10
   23    12     8       0     3     4     9
   24    12     8       0     3     4     9
   25    11     7       0     3     4     8
   26    11     7       0     3     4     8
   27    11     7       0     3     4     8
   28    10     7       0     3     4     7
   29    10     6       0     3     4     7
   30    10     6       0     3     4     7
   31     9     6       0     3     3     6
   32     9     6       0     3     3     6
   33     9     6       0     3     3     6
   34     8     5       0     3     3     5
   35     8     5       0     3     3     5
   36     8     5       0     3     3     5
   37     8     5       0     3     3     5
   38     7     5       0     3     3     5
   39     7     5       0     3     3     5
   40     7     5       0     3     3     5
   41     7     4       0     0     3     4
   42     7     4       0     0     3     4
   43     6     4       0     0     3     4
   44     6     4       0     0     3     4
   45     6     4       0     0     3     4
   46     6     4       0     0     3     4
   47     6     4       0     0     2     4
   48     5     3       0     0     2     3
   49     5     3       0     0     2     3
   50     5     3       0     0     2     3
   51     5     3       0     0     2     3
   52     5     3       0     0     2     3
   53     4     3       0     0     2     3
   54     4     3       0     0     2     3
   55     4     3       0     0     2     3
   56     4     3       0     0     2     3
   57     4     3       0     0     2     3
   58     4     2       0     0     1     2
   59     4     2       0     0     1     2
   60     4     2       0     0     1     2
   61     3     2       0     0     1     2
   62     3     2       0     0     1     2
   63     3     2       0     0     1     2
   64     3     2       0     0     1     2
   65     3     2       0     0     1     2
   66     3     2       0     0     1     2
   67     3     2       0     0     1     2
   68     3     2       0     0     1     2
   69     2     1       0     0     1     1
   70     2     1       0     0     1     1
   71     2     1       0     0     1     1
   72     2     1       0     0     1     1
   73     2     1       0     0     1     1
   74     2     1       0     0     1     1
   75     2     1       0     0     1     1
   76     1     1       0     0     1     1
   77     1     1       0     0     1     1
   78     1     1       0     0     1     1
   79     1     1       0     0     1     1
   80     1     1       0     0     1     1
   81     1     1       0     0     1     1
   82     1     1       0     0     1     1
   83     1     1       0     0     1     1
   84     1     1       0     0     1     1
   85     1     1       0     0     1     1
   86     1     1       0     0     1     1
   87     1     1       0     0     1     1
   88     1     1       0     0     1     1
   89     1     1       0     0     1     1
   90     1     1       0     0     1     1
   91     1     1       0     0     1     1
   92     1     1       0     0     1     1
   93     1     1       0     0     1     1
   94     1     1       0     0     1     1
   95     1     1       0     0     1     1
   96     1     1       0     0     1     1
   97     1     1       0     0     1     1
   98     1     1       0     0     1     1
   99     1     1       0     0     1     1
  100     1     1       0     0     1     1

Aditional positions in my revision:
101-150   -     0.75    -     -     -     0.75
151-176   -     0.50    -     -     -     0
177-200   -     0.25    -     -     -     0
The Chartwatch Sales Related Points System is © 1981-1994 Chartwatch, Ilminster (RE: CW 1. 1981, 1: p31; CW 1. 1981, 2: p33-34; and later revisions).
The Revision and its underlying principle is © 1995-1996 T. Zywietz, Eisingen